Friday, May 14, 2010

Dumber Technology?

This amazing technology of today came with the promise of progress and ingenuity yet has only given us nothing but imbecility and instant gratification. The Internet was suppose to gain quantum steps in freedom of expression yet has only brought 24 day access to contorted sexuality in the form of bestiality, necrophilia, and kiddie porn. It has brought death to the newspaper printer and printing industries, used as a tool of intimidation with images of beheading and other cruelty to a world wide audience. The teenager that posts his neighbors DUI mug shot on YouTube to the tune of LL Cool J's “I'm Going to Knock You Out” for snitching on him.

Technology has taken us from being stupid to dumber. People don't write anymore they “blog”, text instead of talking, no punctuation, no grammar, LOL this, LMFAO, TTYL that, really? WTF? It seems like we're a bunch of stupid people pseudo communicating in some distorted run by night linguistical proto-language with a semblance of a grunting neanderthal instead of the Kings English. Even worse it's now used in Castilian forums and e-communications as well, “Tu sabes que TQM”, unscrupulous. It's now become a global conundrum.

Moreover, I'm now afraid to jog on the road much less ride my Schwinn. The thought of some 16 year old girl named Chelsea driving her daddy's penile implant on gold rims 'texting' at 15 words a minute with a thumb, swerving and sending me and the Schwinn into orbit, as I hope to land in the murky waters of a Florida lake, instead I would most likely land in the driveway of a retiree's well cared for 1992 Chevy Caprice 4-door station wagon. Little Chelsea's first instinct would be to send a group text to all her friends, “OMG!” before calling 911, even then the thought would cross her mind that texting 911 would be much faster than calling.

Now don't get me wrong I don't want to sound fastidious on the issue. I'm not an analog trying to live in a digital world. I do believe in progress of technology but with the respect of proper etiquette. If this continues we're going to have a new breed of illiteracy, where kids will express themselves in pseudo 'acronymic' literature and not be able to write a simple cover letter for a job. They'll have to be unlearned and reeducated to use the English language or whatever native language, properly. So much for the evolution of linguistics. And I know I've been there with the best of them blogging and “texting”, hence my self loathing.

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