Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 11, 2001 Tuesday

I felt compelled to write on this subject when I have seen so much evidence that has surfaced in the last couple of years. 9/11 the day that the terrorist extremists brought down the World Trade Center Towers, an event that changed the world. But was it really a terrorist attack or a set up for future agendas?

Collapse of Building 7 (Salomon Brothers Building)

Take a look at the evidence, some may be marginal and others solid. Did you know there was a third building that collapsed? This was "building 7". It was a 47 story building located 100 yards from the actual towers, and it "collapsed" at 5:20PM that day, 6 hours later. There wasn't very much media coverage of this collapse. The initial reason of the collapse was that the debris from the towers that came down 6 hours earlier were the cause. There were 4 smaller buildings that were destroyed due to their location being directly below the twin towers, however, most of those structures still were standing and were brought down by controlled demolitions. These buildings were called buildings 3, 4, 5 ,6m which were mostly retail stores, restaurants and other office buildings.

Larry Silverstein, lease holder of the twin towers rearranged the insurance for these buildings to declare that if these buildings were destroyed he would have the rights to rebuild. This was done in the early spring of 2001. His investment in the Twin Towers was $50 million, after a couple of lawsuits and judgements he was rewarded $7 billion from insurance that included destruction by terrorism, he won a case in court in which Silverstein wanted the two terrorist acts instead of one, meaning the two planes account for two incidents. Silverstein was also recorded giving the signal to take action on building 7, the Salomon Brothers Building. He was recorded giving an order to "Pull it" which are terms used in building demolitions, in this case meaning drop building 7 as he later admitted. Silverstein tried to rephrase by saying that he gave the command to pull all the firefighters out of building 7. However, according to FEMA and other official investigative reports there were no firefighters in that building, they evacuated the building at 11:30AM. The building fell directly down on it's footprint exactly the way a planned demolition building would come down, this was pointed out by several engineers that examined video tapes as it was documented on the Discovery Channel.

What or who were the tenants of building seven? The CIA, the IRS, the Dept. of Defense, the Securities and Exchange Commissions, the Mayors office of Emergency Management and several other large Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies. Thousands of SCC case files that were related to the Worldcom scandal of Corporate fraud and the Enron case files on the $70 billion California corporate heist, all vanished in 6 seconds of a controlled free fall building 7.


World Trade Center Buildings North and South

When I observed the Twin Towers crumble down after the planes hit, I had, in the back of my mind; how could that happen? But like everyone else I was overwhelmed with the thought that outside terrorists could do this to us. I believe those buildings should not have fallen, severe damage yes, to come down completely in their foot print like planned demolitions? No. There were many witnesses that reported explosions little after the planes slammed into the towers and are recorded on video.

Construction of the World Trade Center buildings began in 1966, the north tower was completed in December 1970 and the south tower in January 1972. Decades ago the building were sprayed with fire proof asbestos which was banned in the 1980's. It was expected that the World Trade Center would have to clean it's asbestos problems, however, this would be a huge financial undertaking, which would reach up to the tune of over $1 billion. In addition the towers cost millions of dollars just in maintenance costs such as, electricity, water, sewage, heat, air conditioning and even oxygen. And with tenancy running low, millions of dollars were being lost annually.

What about the molten steel found at the base of the buildings, even in building 7 which had no plane crash into it. Steel melts at 2,750F degrees, nothing burns that hot, not even jet fuel which burns at 1,200F degrees. There is nothing in those buildings that would burn that hot, according to engineers, unless there are incendiary devices and chemicals such as Thermite when mixed with sulfur is called Thermate which can create flash burns or heat that can reach up to 4,000F degrees, which are used typically in building demolitions. Many workers reported heavy construction work on floors that were empty and closed off, specifically the 34th and 98th floors of the south tower.

Who was in charge of Security at the Twin Towers? Marvin Bush, younger brother of the former President as well as Wirt D. Walker, cousin of the Bush brothers. Under their watch was also Dulles Airport, which had involvement on September 11th. The New York Port Authority announced 3 weeks in advance of a power down that would take place a week before 9/11 which was unparalleled, completely unusual. All systems shutdown inclusive of the security systems such as camaras and complete data base banking systems for an entire weekend. During that weekend there were reports of construction workers in the towers with no functioning security cameras. Reports of evacuation drills in excess of the norm were performed weeks prior as well, all this reported by IT specialist, Scott Forbes and 20+ year employee William Rodriguez.

On a side note, no building in the world has ever collapsed due to fire or severe structural damage, except buildings 1, 2 and 7 of the World Trade Center complex. Case in point, on July 1945 a training crew flying a B52 Bomber miscalculated it's flight path due to fog and slammed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building and went through the building severing both of it's engines inside the Empire State Building and crashed through the roof of a 20 story building exploding into a fireball expelling jet fuel in the interior and exterior sides of the building. None of those buildings collapsed. It was a Saturday, therefore, the death toll was no where near 9/11.

Adding insult to injury, the April, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City proved to show that even though there were 4,800 pounds of explosives in a Ryder Truck, it could not have caused the amount of damaged sustained to the building. There is suspicion that explosives would have had to be planted within the building itself to cause the frontal destruction of the building. Therefore, why didn't this building collapsed in it's footprint like the WTC buildings. The remains of the Murrah building had to be professionally collapsed a month later. The "bombing" caused damage to 324 other buildings within a 16 block radius of the Murrah building, none of those collapsed in their footprint.


Strange deaths of witnesses

High profile eyewitnesses of the event are now dead. Notably, Byron Jennings 53, Emergency Coordinator for the New York Housing Authority and Kenny Johannemann,part-time janitor. Johannemann reported committing suicide 12 days prior to the 7th anniversary of 9/11. He saved the life of a man in the south tower and was a witness to explosions in those buildings as well. He left a suicide note that was uncharacteristic to his demeanor and intelligence in which was seen in many media interviews as well as talk shows. He allegedly committed suicide due to being evicted from his apartment.

Barry Jennings would die only days before the release of NIST’s report on WTC 7 and shortly after a firestorm erupted over his testimony where he had heard explosions inside the building prior to collapse of either tower and that there were dead bodies in the building’s blown-out lobby from building 7. He also was sent threats on losing his job and had to ask media to stop running his interviews at one time. The cause of his death was unknown even at this time.

The Pentagon

Picture this? You have, probably, the most surveillanced building in the world, the Pentagon, and only one low quality video found that recorded a glimpse of the UFO that hit the Pentagon. This video is utilized to monitor incoming automobiles? Even in the low quality video it shows white smoke that trailed the 100 ton Boeing 757. The problem with that is planes don't have white smoke trailing them,but missiles do.

Do you really think that we don't have the technology to capture the path of a plane over such important structures like the Pentagon, the White House, the U.S. Capitol which are just across the river from each other?

The Pentagon is 77 feet tall, for a plane to hold a target and hit the first floor without any damage to the ground is a bulls eye target that not even the best pilot in the world could hit with a Boeing 757 under a good amount of duress and even chanting to Allah. It demanded such a precise hit that it would be close to impossible for that precision. Planes tilt and roll back and forth during flight and to hold steady at 345 mph (according to the flight data?) could not be performed by Muslim extremists that have never flown a 757 before. Coincidentally, the side of the Pentagon that was hit was under construction and not very many workers where in that section at the time. The 757 was 55% of the height of the Pentagon wall, it would have had to penetrate through 2 floors of the Pentagon instead of the one first floor damage. This even I could dichotomize using simple logic and common sense. I could understand the plane hitting the ground first and sliding into the Pentagon or missing it at the top and landing on the top side at very best. Lastly, plane debris, luggage, bodies? Not really to much evidence or even information on such findings.

Sell the American Public the Blame Game

On the same day we had several media interviews that ascertained that the responsible were Al Quaeda, Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden, a rich man , living in and out of caves responsible for such devastation? Within 40 minutes the media interviewed people declaring why the towers tumbled and who was responsible, so quickly, jumping to conclusions with authority? What did Osama, Al Quaeda gain from this? What could possibly be the hidden agenda? Osama did not know about the attacks 5 days afterwards and claimed that it was part of some other radical group with their own agenda. Bin Laden to this day is still on the run, if he's still alive as we're led to believe and has gained nothing financially, rather, if alive, his life has gotten worse. Al Quaeda has gained nothing, they lost several of their operatives in the invasion of Afghanistan due to 9/11 and is hardly able to be a valid force. Saddam Hussein gained nothing, but rather lost his life in an invasion by the U.S. on grounds of hidden nuclear weapons of mass destruction that were never found.

So who benefited? Larry Silverstein $7 billion, the Bushes who are involved in the Oil business around the world and an excuse to invade a middle eastern country, Dick Cheney who still receives a salary package from Halliburton as an ex-CEO of that company. A war is financially lucrative for the arms industry, since 9/11 weapons purchases have gone up with missiles and bombs which was beneficial for Dick Cheney and the Bush family. Oil companies wanted to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan and control this flow, not for their own use but to control oil to China and other countries.

This evidence is only the tip of the iceberg, there are so many speculative stories that I thought were a little outlandish to include. However, if you like to know more I have dissected some youtube videos that show some credibility and what I consider reasonably conscious speculation. You be the judge.

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