Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving, thanks for the Turkey or the Goose

Did you know that a turkey was not included in the original Thanksgiving meal? When the European settlers came to Plymouth Rock in 1620 they befriended the Wampanoag Indian Tribes who taught the Pilgrims how to fish. hunt and harvest. They had a 3 day harvest celebration which most likely was of the local food made up of cod fish, corn, lobster and rotisserie goose as the main course. As other settlers came in they brought in more of a religious Puritan's view in which they celebrated the day as a thanks to God.

As this evolved through hundreds of years a lady be the name of Sarah Josepha Hale petitioned to established governments to observe a day of Thanksgiving. Sarah was notably known for being the writer of the child nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb". By 1863 Abraham Lincoln declared that Thanksgiving would be celebrated on the last Thursday of November and by 1941 Congress declared Thanksgiving an official government observed holiday.

How's that? I am going to get me some Goose and stay original.